Shanghai Hongqiao Important Notices
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Customs Inspection Instructions

Rules for outbound passengers

1. Passengers who carry for personal use such articles as cameras, camcorders, laptops, whose value exceeds 5,000 yuan each, and which are to be brought back after their visit overseas shall complete Declaration Forms in duplicates, of which one copy, after being endorsed by Customs, will be returned to such passengers for relevant customs procedures at their time of entry.

2. Passengers who carry over 20,000 yuan in cash, or foreign currencies in cash over $ 5,000 if so converted, shall be dealt with by Customs in accordance with current regulations.

3. Passengers who carry precious metals, such as gold and silver, shall be processed by Customs in accordance with current regulations.

4. Passengers who carry antiques, endangered animals, plants and related products, and biological species resources, shall be dealt with by Customs in accordance with current regulations.

5. Passengers who carry radio transmitters/receivers or secure communicators, shall be processed by Customs in accordance with current regulations.

6. Passengers who carry other articles, the exportation of which is restricted or prohibited according to the law of the People’s Republic of China, shall be dealt with by Customs in accordance with current regulations.

7. Passengers who carry goods, samples and articles for advertisement items shall be dealt with by Customs in accordance with current regulations.

Rules for inbound passengers

1. Resident passengers may bring free of duty articles acquired from overseas valued at a maximum total of 5,000 yuan. Customs shall levy duties on the portion of articles whose value exceeds the duty-free limit.

2. Non-resident passengers may bring free of duty articles intended to be left in China which are valued at a maximum total of 2,000 yuan. Those exceeding the duty-free limit shall be released subject to payment of Customs duties.

3. Passengers may bring duty-free 1,500 ml alcoholic drinks (over 12 percent volume) and 400 cigarettes, or 100 cigars, or 500 grams of tobacco into the country. Those exceeding the duty-free limit, but still for personal use, shall be released subject to payment of Customs duties.

4. Passengers who carry over 20,000 yuan in cash, or foreign currencies in cash whose value exceeds $ 5,000 if converted into US dollars, shall be dealt with by the Customs according to current relevant regulations. In the case that passengers carry foreign currencies exceeding $ 5,000 in cash, which are to be taken out of the country at the end of their stay, a Customs Declaration Form shall be completed in duplicates, one of which shall, after being endorsed by Customs, be returned to such passengers for relevant procedures at the time of their exit.

5. Passengers who carry animals, plants and related products, microorganisms, biological products, human tissue, blood and related products shall be processed by Customs in accordance with current regulations.

6. Passengers who carry radio transmitters/receivers or secure communicators shall be processed by Customs in accordance with current regulations.

7. Passengers who carry other articles whose importation are restricted or prohibited according to the law of the People’s Republic of China shall be dealt with by Customs in light of current regulations.

8. Passengers who carry goods, samples and articles for advertisement shall be dealt with by Customs in accordance with current regulations.

9. Passengers who declare as having unaccompanied luggage shall be processed by the Customs in accordance with current regulations.