Shanghai Hongqiao Important Notices
Home > Service > Pudong International Airport > Special Service

Special Service

  • Mothers can use mother-and-infant rooms as a private space to change diapers or nurse children. 

    Locations: all waiting halls of Pudong T1 and T2 terminals

    Service Hours: depends on flight times

  • Service objectives: Provide "Courtesy Channel" service at Departures and Arrivals (except United Airlines and AirAsia) for unaccompanied passengers over 60 years old, pregnant women, infants carried in their parents' arms, persons with disabilities and special passengers requiring wheelchairs.

    Services: Free wheelchair pick-up service, priority check-in, frontier inspection, security inspection and boarding privileges.

    Service hours: 06:00-24:00

    Make an appointment: Passengers should call the Shanghai Airport service hotline +86-021-96990 at least one day in advance to reserve the "Courtesy Channel" service. (Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance and 6 days within the departures date.)